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  • Protecting the heritage huts and homesteads of the Snowy Mountains since 1971

    Protecting the heritage huts and homesteads of the Snowy Mountains since 1971

Image of harry hills book goobarragandra


Goob-Goobra-The Goob-Goobragandra-Goobarrangandra by Harry Hill Published November 2013


I vaguely remember a few years back when Harry publicly stated he had written ...'his last book.'

Well, that was least two or maybe three books ago. Hard on the heels of "Tea and Scones, Billy Tea and Damper" comes dare I say, penultimate?

The first I knew of Harry's latest publication was when it turned up in my post box in early December.

Goobarrangandra is 'the official' spelling, used on maps and all official documents, it is ignored of course by the locals.

The title as Harry points out is indicative of the natural tendency of Australians to abbreviate - especially a five syllable word. It has been pruned down to one syllable. Goob.

From the first chapter, his insights into the Hume and Hovell Expedition of 1824 (Harry has a photocopy of Hovell's journal) through to trapping rabbits and snake hunting as a boy, there follows chapters about a water driven timber mill and another about a drover named Clyde Miller plus several other stories of brumby runners and a geologist. I laughed out loud when I read the couple of paragraphs about Adam and his gold lined gut. Where does he get these stories?

As you follow the Goob River with Harry he points out the places of interest. The Hume & Hovell Walking Track with its shelters and swing bridge, beauty spots (one called Mt Ugly) fishing holes, the old timers, huts, gold fields, a RAAF plane that crashed in June 1942... There are Harry's colour photos scattered throughout excepting for the 'shoot the Goob' white water photos courtesy of the Tumut Valley Canoe Club.

I thoroughly enjoyed it, you will too I'm sure.

Pauline Downing, KHA Newsletter editor.

Updated 21/10/2020


What we do

  • Protect and enhance the cultural heritage values
  • Conserve historic huts and associated structures
  • Provide input into government planning processes
  • Create heritage awareness amongst the general public
  • Maintain the art and craft of traditional bush building skills and knowledge.

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400 + Members

75 + Huts

Preserving the heritage huts for future generations.


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For over 50 years KHA has carried out maintenance activities
on most of the 90 or so remaining huts and homesteads in KNP and NNP.
Learn more about what we have been up to recently.


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Return to Snowy Plain weekend

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The Huts

The heritage huts of the Snowy Mountains are structures of national significance



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Our association relies heavily on membership revenue, donations and bequests to fund our work. As we are staffed entirely by volunteers, all funds contribute to protecting the heritage huts and homesteads of the Snowy Mountains.

For information on Group memberships, please contact Pip Brown, Membership Officer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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